…What Are the Best Ways To Relieve Tension?…

There’s much to love about living in the modern world, but you wouldn’t exactly say that it’s a stress-free existence. We’re asked to work longer than in the past, it’s more difficult to buy a home, and our technological advancements mean that we’re forever connected and “on alert.” So it’s important that you’re actively doing things that’ll help to limit the amount of stress that you feel. Fortunately, the rise in people’s stress levels means that we’re getting pretty good at understanding what’s good for relaxing us. We take a look at some of the best methods below.

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Run it Out

If you’re feeling stressed and tense, then it’s recommended that you put on your running shoes and go for a long run. When it comes to feeling calmer and letting that tension go, there are few things better than working up a sweat. For starters, it helps to move our thoughts away from whatever’s causing us stress, and on to whatever’s right in front of us. It also helps tire out our bodies, which means it easier to sleep, and releases a lot of feel-good chemicals into our brain, too.

Controlled Martial Arts

We feel less stressed when we feel in control. As such, one of the best ways to reduce our stress levels is to practice a martial art. These have been shown to increase discipline and control, and to actively reduce stress levels. If you learn shaolin kung fu, you’ll find that you’re not only getting fitter, but that you’re more in control of your emotions. This is one of the more fun and unusual ways to relieve your tension — indeed, it makes for a pretty awesome hobby that’ll interest other people, too.

Deep Stretching

We can usually feel when we’re feeling tense and stressed. It’s in our bodies. We’re just not as loose and free as we’d like to be. As such, one of the best ways to reduce tension is to stretch things out. Stretching is actually one of the most underrated activities a person can do. You spend all your time sitting down, yet your body was designed to be used. Make a habit of engaging in a deep stretching session each morning, and you’ll naturally find that you feel more easy going throughout the day. If you don’t know where to start, then look at joining a yoga club.

Meditation Sessions 

It’s easy to get lost on the treadmill of life. We just keep on moving forward, forward, forward, yet without the perspective needed to handle the situation as well as we could. Meditation is an excellent tool for putting an inch of breathing space between you and your stress induces. It calms you down. Give it a go for a week or so, and you’ll find that you’re much better able to handle your stressful side.

Laughing with Friends

Finally, on those days when stress really adds up, remember that one of the best methods for leaving it behind is to sit and laugh with friends!