…Women Who Lift: 7 Tips For Newbie Lifters…

Whenever you head to the gym, you’ll notice that the weight room is largely populated by men. It’s a huge mistake to think that women shouldn’t lift weights, but it’s one that many people still believe. Gyms that are ‘friendly’ to women are often furnished with treadmills and cross trainers. It’s strange how people believe that certain workout machines have genders – there is no hard and fast rule that says that you have to use a treadmill if you are a woman, and there is no rule that says women cannot lift. It has always been assumed that pumping iron is for men to build their muscles, but contrary to this belief, women have muscles, too! Getting down with weights not only burns fat, it trims inches off your waist and hips. You can transform your entire image and your health by adding weight-lifting to your workout schedule and the overall benefits of training with weights can boost your mood and last hours after you put down the last dumbbell.

Girls, it’s time to take over the weight room. And it’s time to do it carefully. If you decide to go ahead and try out strength training, then you need to do your homework about warming up and avoiding needing a arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. There is no need to risk injury when you are working hard on your physique, but you have to be smart about your choice of workout. It’s always a good idea to get the advice of a personal trainer before you get started, as they can help you tailor the right workout for your weight and your goal. There are so many benefits to lifting weights and it’s okay if you don’t know what they are: we’ve got them here for you. Whether you’re new to lifting or not, you don’t have to be afraid of the workout you’re going to get.

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Losing Fat

Body fat is one of the biggest battles that women have in life. Fat sticks to the most inconvenient places, creating muffin tops and back bulges. The thing is, we NEED fat on our bodies: we just need to know how much! Weight training on a regular basis builds up the muscles, and the leaner muscle your body has, the better your metabolism will run. A higher metabolism burns off more calories, as it is constantly running in the background. Your body is designed to store fat in specific places, but figuring out a healthy fat percentage is important so that you know what you are facing when it comes to weight loss.

Strengthen Without Bulking

Women tend to avoid the weight room due to the misconception that practicing weight training will bulk them up the Schwarzenegger way. Well, you’ll be pleased to hear that it won’t happen to you unless that is what you want to happen! It’s something that isn’t physically possible, as we girls don’t have the same level of testosterone that men do. Men build muscle faster due to their testosterone, and so women have a harder time gaining in the same way. Women get the better bit: they gain definition and muscle tone. If you decide not to lift anything over three pounds at the gym due to fear of too much bulking, then you have to stop grocery shopping. Or lifting your child. Or anything remotely related to something heavy. It’s not feasible, right? And you’re not huge, right? The women who ARE bulked out specifically eat, supplement and train to look that way. Don’t panic, you won’t beef out just because you dare to touch the 10lb weight rack!

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There’s not enough cheese in the world that’ll strengthen your bones in the way that weight training will. Osteoporosis is more common in women, and training with weights increases bone density; a sure-fire way to reduce your fracture risk. This is handy to know when you are working on your physique to tone up, right? Reducing your risk of osteoporosis should be important to you, so head over to the weight room and include lifting in your routine.

Reduce Injury Risk

Cardio is an excellent way to work out, but weight training strengthens all those connective tissues that you rely on. Ligaments that are strong prevent injury and can really help you out with arthritic pain. Reducing your injury risk should be a priority for you as even the smallest muscular tear can put you out of action and cancel out your workouts.

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Burn, Calories, Burn

A metabolism that is fast is the biggest burner of fat out there. When you weight train, you make a point of raising your metabolism for a whole 24 hours after the workout has happened. The harder you train, the more calories you burn. If you’ve never heard of excess post-exercise oxygen consumption, then you need to read this article. This excess of oxygen helps to break down the fat that the body stores, burning more calories than you would have anticipated.

Sit Straight

In a world where we all walk around hunched over and working on computers and smartphones, improving your posture is so important. Weight training strengthens your spine in a way you wouldn’t have anticipated while also strengthening your spine and your core. A stronger core can help ease any lower back pain, and a good posture is gained when you lift.

Good Mood Day

Like any exercise, weight-training lifts your mood. Your endorphins go nuts and the adrenaline pumps around your body at a fast pace. This increase in endorphins can bring down anxiety levels and set your entire mood for the day. Starting out early and working out is a great way to ensure that you get the day that you want while feeling more confident and happier.

Weight training for women isn’t all the fitness magazines would like you to believe. Head to your local gym and have a chat with a personal trainer who can give you the correct advice.


…All you need to know about Protein Powder for women…

LADIES!!! Are you fearful of taking protein and other supplements because of all of the myths that you constantly hear about weight training and supplement use?

  • You are going to get big and bulky like a bodybuilder
  • Taking protein powder and other supplements will make your muscles bulky and scary 
  • Taking protein and supplements will make you grown facial hair and will put you in a bad mood all of the time

Thanks to uk.scitecnutrition.com they created a perfect guide to help dispel many common myths. This guide they created helps to explain the importance and need for protein as part of a healthy diet and fitness routine for women.

What Exactly Is Protein Powder?

Protein powder is an important  macronutrient that has scientifically been found to be essential to building muscle mass.   Incorporating protein powder into your diet encourages your body to promote weight loss, stay lean,  and recover quickly.

Scitec Nutrition recommends using protein powders if you are wanting to build and maintain your muscle mass.


Scitec Nutrition – leading the way in sports nutrition

Scitec is a leading sport nutrition company in Europe and offers its products in 90 countries worldwide.  Products range from proteins through amino acids and weight-control formulas to vitamins and minerals and much more. Scitec’s products help support and complete the daily nutrition of athletes or anybody, who partakes in sports on a regular basis. Scitec produce premium products from quality ingredients through state of the art, strictly controlled production processes in accordance with the highest industry standards. Based on consumer insights, Scitec products are the best on the market in terms of taste, texture and consistency, and are easy to use. Scitec Nutrition is the official sports nutrition supplier of the Hungarian Olympic Team. Scitec has been awarded the EU Brand of the Year 2017 on bodybuilding.com.

About Scitec – Market Leaders in Sports Nutrition

Since 1996, Scitec Nutrition has grown to become a leading global brand of sports nutrition supplements with more than 700 product formulations, 135 proprietary flavouring systems, and distribution in over 90 countries.  Unlike most sports nutrition brands, Scitec formulate and produce all of their protein powders and supplements!  Their state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities are staffed with over 600 dedicated employees, and 41 lab technicians and formulators that produce over 15,000 tons of the highest quality protein powders annually. Scitec is one of the largest whey protein manufacturers in the world selling over 120 million servings annually in over 50 flavours, and are capable of producing over 100,000 servings per hour!

…The Many Health Benefits Of Running…


When most people think of running, they think of being out of breath, sweaty and the colour of a ripe tomato. For many of us, even the thought of of going for a run makes us tired, however running can be the best thing for your overall health. If you want to get yourself healthy this year and try a new form of exercise, Running is definitely the one you want to do.

Your Health

The most obvious way which running can benefit us is by being great for our health. Going for a run every day can help boost our immune system, regulate our sleeping pattern and shred the fat too. It keeps our heart pumping strong and blood pressure down.


A huge benefit of running is that it can prevent many common diseases. For women specifically, running can lower the risk of developing breast cancer. It can also be helpful for preventing heart disease and the risk of having a heart attack. The reason for this is that running strengthens the heart muscle and also makes the arteries much more elastic.

Weight Loss

If you have piles on the pounds during the winter season, out on your Reebok sneakers and get out for a run. Running is a great way to burn fat and shed those extra pounds off your body. It is a great way to burn a lot of calories in a short space of time and keeps you looking lean and fit.


Another benefit which runners notice is an increased confidence. The beauty of running is that we shed the weight which keeps our bodies lean and helps us fit into our clothes better. It also makes us swear which cleanses the skin of toxins and debris, leaving it glowing and much healthier. Because of all of this, we feel much more attractive and confident in ourselves. This can be amazing for the way we feel and our mood every day.

Stress Busting

Stress related illnesses are amongst the most common in the world. From anxiety to depression, stress can cause us to feel tired, ill and have no energy at all. Exercising in general is great for combating this because when we move out body releases positive hormones and increases our mood, and it also springs our body back into life. If you are having a bad day and need some time to think, go for a light jog or run in your local area and you will feel much better.

There are so many different ways which running can help us feel great, keep us healthy and improve our overall quality of life. Running is a great way to go out and have time to ourselves, get clarity and see things from a different perspective. You may find that if you have a problem, going for a run can give you time to solve it. Running is a natural and amazing way to exercise, so don’t knock it until you’ve tried it!

…6 Supplements You Should Take for a Healthy Mind and Body…

There are different factors which lead to people today not getting enough nutrition from eating. These include busy schedules and the ever-present temptation to eat processed foods. Moreover, the nutrient content of food is compromised because of processing, changes in farming methods, pollution, and soil erosion.

Indeed, the relationship between health and nutrition is complicated. Even when you eat a nutritious and balanced diet, it can be hard to consume different foods to check nutrient content. So the best way to make sure that you are receiving more of what you need to stay healthy and fit is through proper supplementation.

Here are some of the important supplements you should take.

1. Fish Oil
The human body naturally produces vitamins and minerals through proper food intake. However, it cannot make fish oil so you need to take fish oil supplements to supply your body with what it needs.

Although you can get some fish oil from eating fish, you will need to eat plenty of fish consistently. Eating fish once or twice a week is still not enough.

To make sure that you are ingesting more omega-3, start taking supplements. Modern diets usually are high in omega-6 fats, which are inflammatory. Aim to receive more omega-3s because they offer anti-inflammatory benefits.

An increased intake of high-quality fish oil can reduce your risk of heart disease, help decrease triglyceride levels, ensure good brain health, hasten recovery from exercise, and help you lose weight.

2. Vitamin D

A great source of vitamin D is sunlight. However, the sun isn’t strong enough to give you sufficient amounts. Also, even when you are outside, you will most likely be covered with clothing and sunscreen, which will block the rays of the sun.
The best and safest way to get enough amounts of vitamin D is through supplementation.  Experts agree that a minimum of 1000 IUs every day is a great start.

3. Whey Protein

Whey protein offers unique benefits. It is high in branched chain amino acids or BCAAs that play a crucial role in muscle building, fat loss, and muscle recovery.

4. Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria that support a healthy digestive system. They are known as beneficial or good bacteria because of their beneficial effects on the human body. They are found in fermented or cultured foods like yogurt.

Healthy gut bacteria play a crucial role in your overall health, immune system, and digestion. It can nourish and replenish your internal supply of beneficial bacteria. This can result in less bloating, gas formation, inflammation and abdominal pain. Probiotics will help keep your GI ecosystem healthy. Dietary supplements with live probiotics are an excellent way to help ensure a healthy digestive balance.

5. Calcium

Calcium is important for bone health, nerve function, muscle, and heart health. Your body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium. So these two nutrients are sometimes supplemented together.

Health experts recommend getting 1,000 milligrams of calcium every day from your diet and supplementing the rest. If you don’t like dairy products, a good option is to eat leafy greens like kale. Most milk substitutes like soy and almond are fortified with calcium as well.

Women aged 50 years and above and those suffering from osteoporosis require more calcium. Before taking in calcium supplements, you need to consult with your physician first to figure out the right dosage.

6. Vitamin B12

Though you can get the recommended daily requirement of vitamin B12 from your diet, you may still be lacking if you have dietary restrictions. Also known as cobalamin, vitamin B12 is important for a healthy nervous system, strong immune system, and DNA and RNA synthesis. It is found in animal-based foods like beef, lamb, sardines, and cottage cheese. So if you are a vegetarian, you might want to supplement.

Support your health by taking advantage of the essential nutrition from multivitamins and supplements. But before taking in any supplement, you must first consult with your physician to determine the right dosage.

Gehana Kennedy is the owner of vitaminshop.ae, the go-to source for high-quality wellness products including a range of step-by- step formulated vitamins, fitness supplements and natural skin care products. With innovative ideas and implementation of new technologies, she was able to establish a platform that offers not only quality products but also valuable information for customers.

…Five Tips to Avoid Injuries While Working Out…

If you are keen on staying fit and building strength every day, you will need to find the right type of exercise that suits your needs and fitness level. To avoid injuries, you might want to get a fitness assessment before starting a new routine, and consult with your physician as well. In case you lived an an inactive life for quite a while, you cannot expect your body to adopt from one day to the next. Below you will find a few tips on how to avoid injuries when working out.

  1. Stretch

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Before every routine, you need to stretch. This is extremely important if you work in an office and sit for long hours each day. Your stretching should involve all your muscle groups, and you must make sure that your posture is supported by your body, before you start any balancing or dangerous workout. You can implement a short yoga practice before every workout session, so you can stay fit and supported during the session.

     2. Drink Water

To keep your body and your muscles supported and hydrated, you will need to keep on drinking water. Avoid energy drinks and shakes while exercising, as they will elevate your blood sugar level and your heart rate, and this means that your body will need to make adjustments. Stay hydrated, but only drink water during your cardio workout.

     3. Warm Up

You cannot start with star jumps without warming up. You might want to try HIIT exercises that build up each rep slowly, and then speed up your moves to exhaust different muscle groups. If you have asthma or other respiratory illnesses, you need to start at a low pace and build up your lung capacity and strength gradually, to avoid injuries.

    4. Get an Assessment

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You must speak to a physician and your gym instructor before starting a regular high intensity routine, to make sure your body is well supported in your transition. You can get diet advice from professionals based on your goals. If you would like to build muscle mass, you might want to start a high protein diet, while if your main goal is losing weight, you could reduce your calorie intake by 100-200 per day while exercising.

    5. Clothing and Footwear

To avoid injuries, you will also have to choose your footwear and clothing carefully. Compression outfits are good for some exercise, such as running and cycling, but can be uncomfortable, and even dangerous for others. If you have regular back pain, you might want to look for performance insoles that will support your weight and posture during the exercise.

Making lifestyle changes and starting a new workout routine should not be taken lightly. To avoid injuries, you will need to get professional advice, and make sure that your body is ready. Choose your diet, exercise routine, footwear, and clothing carefully, so you can stay fit and healthy. Set yourself targets and goals, and don’t forget to stretch and warm up before every performance training session to avoid muscle strains and tears.


…The importance of Vitamin B12 in your diet…

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/6BzGt4OXzeM

Are you fatigued and exhausted after exercise or battling to lose those unwanted pounds?  It could be a vitamin deficiency that is sapping your energy or interfering with your weight loss goals.

Vitamins are essential for providing nutrition to the many cells and tissues in our body.  Vitamin B12 is one of the basic nutrients we need for the normal function of the brain, the nervous system, and the formation of red blood cells. It is essential for a higher metabolism, increased energy and weight loss. Read on to learn more about how Vitamin B12 can help you achieve your fitness goals.

What is Vitamin B12?

Vitamin B12, also know as Cobalamin, is a water-soluble vitamin that can dissolve in water and travel through the bloodstream.  The body can store Vitamin B12 for up to 4 years and any excess is excreted in the urine. Vitamin B12 can be found naturally in animal products, such as fish, meat, eggs, and dairy products.  Some types of soya milk and breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin B12 but it does not typically occur in plant foods.  The National Institute of Health (NIH) recommends that teens and adults over the age of 14 years should consume 2.4 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin B12 a day. Pregnant women should be sure to consume 2.6 mcg, and lactating women 2.8 mcg..

Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency

Deficiency of Vitamin B12 occurs when the daily requirements are not met through diet and supplementation.  There are also certain health conditions that can reduce absorption of Vitamin B12 in the body such as coeliac disease, atrophic gastritis, Crohn’s disease, deficiency of gastric acid and alcoholism.  The main signs and symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency are:

  • Fatigue and weakness:

This occurs when your body does not have enough Vitamin B12 to make red blood cells which transport oxygen around the body, which can leave you short of breath and dizzy.  This may also cause pale or jaundiced skin, a sign of anemia.

  • Neurological changes:

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the production of myelin, which insulates your nerves. A common sign of potential nerve damage in B12 deficiency is a sensation of pins and needles, irregular reflexes, balance related issues, changes in mobility and restless legs.

  • Mood changes:

Vitamin B12 deficiency carries a serious risk of permanent nerve and brain damage. Some people with insufficient vitamin B12 have a higher risk of developing psychosis, mania, and dementia.

Benefits of Vitamin B12

The number of deficiency signs and symptoms shows us how important a role Vitamin B12 plays in our health. The benefits include DNA synthesis, growth and development, decreased risk of heart disease, protection against certain cancers, preservation of energy levels, a decreased risk of anemia, and emotional and mental stability.

Vitamin B12 can be administered via an injection, ensuring maximum absorption as it immediately enters the bloodstream. Creams containing Vitamin B12 can be used to decrease the severity of eczema. Vitamin B12 shots stimulate the body to convert carbohydrates into fuel and energy faster than eating and digesting food.  This enables the body to fight fatigue when exercising and burn calories easier in weight loss.

Maintaining a diet full of nutrients helps your body correct deficiencies and stops cravings for unhealthy foods. Get energised and shed that unwanted weight with the aid of Vitamin B12.