
…Non-Gym Workouts…

You do not have to own a gym membership to get a good workout.  There are many different things that you can do in your home, in your neighborhood, or in what ever space you can find!

Before you start please keep in mind that it is always a good idea to warm up and stretch before you start your routine. This can be done by jogging in place, jogging a short distance, or even run up and down some stairs to help get the blood pumping through your body.

Thanks to Men’s Health Magazine, they have some great routines and pictures to show some great things men and women can do to exercise! I will share a few with you from their website:

Here is the suggested workout:

The Workout

1. Prisoner squats (30 reps)

2. Pushups (30 reps)

3. Jumps (10 reps)

4. Swiss-ball leg curls (10 reps)

5. Swiss-ball pikes (10 reps)

6. Stepups (20 reps)

7. Forward lunges (30 reps)

8. Tucked-elbow pushups (20 reps)

9. Prisoner squats (15 reps)


Directions: Do this workout 3 times a week — Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for example. Perform the exercises as a circuit, doing 1 set of each movement for the prescribed number of repetitions. Complete them in the order shown, without resting between exercises. Too easy? Rest 1 minute and repeat the circuit.


Prisoner Squat

Stand with your hands behind your head, chest out, and elbows back [A]. Sit back at your hips and bend your knees to lower your body as far as you can without losing the natural arch of your spine [B]. Squeeze your glutes (aka your butt!) and push yourself back to the starting position.

Your toes should be angled slightly outward. Don’t raise your heels as you drop into a squat.








Assume a classic pushup position, with your back and legs straight and your hands beneath your shoulders [A]. Brace your abs and keep your body rigid. Now lower yourself until your chest almost touches the floor [B]. Then push yourself up until your arms are extended.

Keep your back flat and lower your body until you’re about an inch off the floor.


Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now dip down at your hips and knees [A] and explode up [B], jumping as high as you can. Land as softly as you can, and then lower yourself and repeat.

Drop your hips back to generate power, and land on your toes before sinking into your heels.



Swiss-Ball Leg Curl

Lie on the floor with your calves resting on a Swiss ball and your arms outstretched. Squeeze your glutes to raise your hips off the floor until your body is in a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles [A]. Pause for a second, and then bend your legs to roll the ball toward your butt [B]. Straighten your legs to roll the ball away from you, and then lower your body to the floor.

Drive your heels into the ball to lift your body and activate your hamstrings.

***NOTE*** You do not have to use a ball (if you do not have one or you can’t afford one…but you can find some at a reasonable cost if you look online or maybe on eBay) You can use  a bench, a bed, or anything that will elevate your legs and will not topple over (we don’t want you to hurt yourself while you are trying to workout!)



Swiss-Ball Pike

Assume a pushup position with your feet resting on a Swiss ball, your body in a straight line from toes to shoulders [A]. Keep your back straight as you contract your abs, raise your hips as high as you can, and roll the ball toward you [B]. For an easier version, pull your knees up to your chest without raising your hips.

Your toes should be on the top-center of the ball to help maintain your balance.

***NOTE*** This move is def needed with a balance ball and is a more advanced move.  To start out you can use a bed or bench (or anything stable as talked about before) and do an elevated push up. This will allow you to build up your balance and get more comfortable until you are ready to try this move. 


Holding your arms straight out in front of you, place one foot on a step or bench that’s about 2 feet off the floor [A]. Push down through your heel to lift your other leg [B], and then return to the starting position. Complete all your reps with one leg before switching legs and repeating the movement.

Your entire foot should be on the bench, with your toes pointed forward.


Forward Lunge 
From a standing position [A], take a large step forward with one leg. When your front thigh is parallel to the floor and your back knee is off the floor [B], hold for 1 second. Then return to the starting position and repeat with your other leg. Make it harder by holding the lowered position for 5 seconds.

Make it harder by holding the lowered position for 5 seconds.


Tucked-Elbow Pushup 

Assume a standard pushup position [A], but keep your elbows tucked in against your sides as you lower yourself until your chest is about an inch off the floor [B] and then push yourself up. To aid your form, place your hands closer than shoulder width, about 6 inches apart.

To aid your form, place your hands closer than shoulder width, about 6 inches apart.

***NOTE***This too is an advanced move. So do not get discouraged if you can not complete a full set the first few times.  

There are several different things that you can change in your day that will help you shed those extra pounds throughout the day. Here are some ideas for some non gym type “exercises” that you can do (or add to your day) that may help you optimize the amount of calories you burn a day.

  • You know that elevator you wait 5-10 minutes on each morning on your way to your office? Take the stairs instead!
  • Try walking more! If you need to run to the corner store to grab some milk or bread walk! Not only will this be beneficial to you, but this can also help you save gas money!
  • You can animals on a walk or jog with you. You will complete 2 tasks that way (walking the animal and getting your exercise!!)
There are MANY different things that you can do to get your workout completed during the day.  Even if you can not complete a full workout for some reason you can change little things during your day to help you burn a few extra calories while completing task at work or at home!

…Family Boot Camp: Fight Child Obesity…

2013-07-02 18.11.12

Fitness and health are my overall passion.  But what I also would like to work hard at is helping to eliminate childhood obesity.

Looking back on my own personal childhood, there was not a time where I would beg to stay inside and play.  Yes, I was lucky enough to be one of those kids who was athletic.  But, at the same time, I also remember running around OUTSIDE with the other children I knew and grew up with.  Seeing today’s society and dangers does not allow children of today to roam their neighborhoods freely like I did back in the 80’s and 90’s.  But there are things that parents can do to get their kids away from the TV’s and game consoles!

One great thing is to impalement physical activity time during your family daily routine.  I know when I was a kid, we had a routine when we got home from school.  Get home, do our homework, read for an hour, dinner time, some nights were family fame night, then off to bed.  Granted we did not get home until 6 or 7 (or later some nights) but each family can plan their own family post school/work day routines.  Why not work out as a family? Yes, some gyms do offer discounted rates for family memberships but some people can not afford that expense each month.  Here are some suggestions that you can do as a family:


The family can plan a special route that they walk a few nights a week (or even jog! If there are more children in the family you can offer a competition and have them race at certain points in your route).   You can walk around the neighborhood or if there is a nearby park.  You can maybe even do it right after school when you pick the children up (seeing as most schools have fitness tracks or fitness areas at their school).

Family Boot Camp:

A few nights a week you can create a Family Boot Camp workout.  This can include moves that ALL members of the family can complete.  This is a great idea because each member of the family will also work as a support system when someone needs a little encouragement to finish the selected workout move.  You can choose to do certain moves for a selected period of time (for 30 – 60 seconds) or you can say you have to do that move so many times before you move on to the next move.  Here are some suggested moves that you can incorporate in your family boot camp:

  • Jumping Jacks (It is good to have this exercise be timed. Set a clock or watch for approximately 1 minute to 2 minutes) This is also a great exercise to do to help get the family warmed up! Don’t forget that it is important to warm up and stretch before your fitness routines!
  • Push Ups (this is also a great move to do but to also time it.  To start off it is a good idea to start at 30 seconds and as you do these more and get better at doing them you can add time to this exercise).
  • Crunches (also called “sit ups”)
  • Jog in place or run for a certain distance (If you are having to move your workout inside due to the upcoming cold weather running in place is a great idea. Make sure to lift your knees and to actually go through the motions of running.  You can also set up cones or any other things you have available to have family members run that distance and back for a selected amount of time.)
  • Jumping Rope
  • Running up/down stairs (This is good to do if you have the space to do it.  Please BE CAREFUL if attempting to do this.  Make sure that no one is rushing to go up or down the stairs to help eliminate a mistake which will allow someone to fall and hurt themselves).
  • Chair Dips (Thanks to this article look at the following picture to see how to correctly do a chair dip.  Make sure to find a good sturdy chair and a chair that is also big enough to use).

  • Straight Arm Plank (Thanks to this article for describing this move.  You will want to time this move for about 30 – 60 seconds.  It is wise to start off at 30 seconds and raise the time once you have done this a few times)

Straight-arm plank

  • Squats (thanks to this website they have listed TONS of variations of squats that you can do at home.  They have also listed as well as show you many different exercises you can do at home with a partner or by yourself)

It is suggested that you work through the above listed exercises 3 times (go through all of them once and complete them again in 2 different sets).  After you have done that you can alter the workout to better fit your family and your time schedule.

Hope that these tips helped you out.  The best way to help your kids is to teach them healthy habits starting now! This will allow them to continue to practice these healthy habits as they grow up and become adults.  I promise they will thank you later for it!