…Tips for Getting Lean on a Budget…

5 Tips for Getting Lean on a Budget

Are you looking to lose body weight, gain muscle and overall just get lean? Are you worried about the expense of the food required to achieve the body that you desire? Below are five specific tips on how to get lean and remain within your budget.

Tip #1: Create a Shopping List

Before you even go grocery shopping, you want to make a shopping list that you should 100% stick too as this will help you and save time at the time. There are certainly common, basic foods that should always be in your pantry that you can purchase really at any grocery store. These staples include eggs, brown rice, canned tuna, whole wheat pasta, and vegetables just to name a few. Be sure to look at the sales ads, clip coupons and buy generic when possible. Whatever you choose, be sure to check out the labels to makes sure it is low in carbs and does not have excessive fats. Additionally, make certain to avoid processed and pre-packaged foods as you want to try to eat cleaner and without as many preservatives and additives.

Tip #2: Farmer’s Markets

If you are like me, then you love vegetables and want the freshest, cheapest selection. Both fruits and vegetables can be costly but by going to your local farmers’ market you will likely see that these essential foods can be purchased fresher and at a more budget-friendly cost. Vegetables certainly need to be one of the main foods that you eat in order to become leaner. Fruits can also be eaten but be aware that some have high sugar counts and should be avoided.


Tip #3: Buy in Bulk and Freeze

Sometimes it is better just to buy in bulk and freeze. If you are a member of a warehouse type store that sells in bulk then make good use of your membership. Great deals on meats can always be found at these types of stores making this a great place to stock up on ground turkey, chicken breasts and any other lean meat that fits within your diet.

Tip #4: Prepare for the Week

Preparation is key in trying to stay within a budget. Pick a day every week to prepare the next week’s meals in bulk. Pick a meat, a grain and a vegetable and make enough for you to enjoy for the rest of the week. If you are eating precisely the exact portion size then you may want to invest in a small scale. Preparation will help avoid wasting of food and acting on impulse when deciding on a meal. Generally, I like to prepare a menu so that I know that absolutely no food is going to waste.

Tip #5: Coupons and Promo Codes

Finally, many choose to supplement their diet with a protein shake or extra supplements. Such products can be purchased at bodybuilding.com or PuritansPride.com.

Be sure to check out PuritainPride’s coupons or bodybuilding.com promo codes at mamma.com as this will save you a great deal of money!